mardi 27 septembre 2016

Becoming not real life superhero vigilantes but bounty hunters?

I imagine a few people on here have fantasized about becoming real life vigilantes whether they had the skills or not. Luckily, I stopped roaming streets at night and looking for trouble, that was silly, and I could've gotten killed over nothing.

Anyways, has anyone considered becoming a bounty hunter/bail recovery agent? I am thinking about becoming one pretty seriously over the past 8 or so months and am now looking for teammates. If anyone wants to get in contact or know someone that might be into this, please let me know. I'll keep this short, I have years of unarmed combat training/MMA training and street fighting experience (sadly). I need to get as close to the vigilante lifestyle that I grew up with in comics, without becoming one. This is how I thought about bounty hunting. I need adventure and danger because I'm a bit of a psycho. :loco:

I even have other skills like acrobatic/"parkour" ability but I obviously wouldn't use that. Currently taking college classes in criminal justice and investigation currently, even though I think I won't need to know but a few laws outside the classes. I’m not going to travel the world seeking to master science LOL.

Not super glamourous but adventurous and dangerous enough. If I get enough people, we could invest in weapons and armor and start a legacy I think. No bright costumes and capes but yeah. I don’t think many bounty hunters are allowed to carry guns , just non-lethals anyways. So I'll leave it at that and wait for people to maybe reply before I mention anything else. Thanks.

Becoming not real life superhero vigilantes but bounty hunters?

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