jeudi 18 juin 2015

Yoda's Top 10 Anything Thread.

Each week will profile a New Top 10 list. I like to slow things down and post 2 or 3 things from my top 10 each day. Your welcome to comment or post your own top 10 if so wish of whatever topic i am working on. Understand list will not always be about movies or tv so i think shh community is perfect fit.

Top 10 Moments In TV Since Cable Was Invented.

10 Buffy Kills Angel- Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

I am a big fan of buffy and angel. This was one of my shows that whished had movies spin offed when the series was done. Anyways Buffy Killing angel made every female cry who waited for them too hook up. Before Twilight and Edward and Bella it was Buffy and Angel.

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