Warner Bros. has picked up the rights to Five Nights at Freddys, the popular video game series created by Scott Cawthon. The feature adaptation will be produced by Roy Lee of Vertigo Entertainment as well as Seth Grahame-Smith and David Katzenberg of KatzSmith Productions. The game takes place in Freddy Fazbears Pizza, a darker version of Chuck-E-Cheese, where an animatronic animal band performs kiddy songs by day, and goes on murderous rampages by night. The goal of the game is survive a night locked inside, knowing that a furry death machine might jump out of the dark at any moment. Were looking forward to working with Scott to make an insane, terrifying and weirdly adorable movie, said Grahame-Smith. "The story really lends itself to being a movie and it taps into a largely unexplored niche of horror that a lot of people will be able to relate to," said Cawthon. The project is currently out to writers. Adam Stone and Jay Ireland will exec produce. Jon Berg and Nik Mavinkurve are overseeing for Warners. Lee was a producer on Warners Liam Neeson action thriller Run All Night and has the Poltergeist remake due to open May 22. Grahame-Smith and Katzenberg, meanwhile, are developing a Beetlejuice sequel. The trio are producing Cary Fukunagas adaptation of the seminal Stephen King novel It, which is eyeing a summer shooting start. |
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