lundi 6 avril 2015

Using a PS 3 with an old non HD TV

To start off,I make no bones about not being tech savy. So I need some fairly detailed instructions to get things going.

Now, I'm using an old NON HD TV. I have an old VCR that no longer works as my conduit since neither my TV nor other (at least as of now) working VCR has "AV 1" which is apparently the channel that the PS3 comes through. The "conduit VCR" just died a painful death,leaving me no working option for getting my PS3 signal to go through.

Also,my PS 3 doesn't seem to be working right,as the green/red light isn't showing up. The blue light shows up when I put in a DVD,but I can't watch it since it's apparently not going through to the tv.

The little research I've done tells me that hooking PS3's red,white & yellow wires to the back of the TV should pretty much do it. But it hasn't.

I appreciate whatever advice anyone has for the situation. Thanks.

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