jeudi 23 avril 2015

The Spellbinder/Chantelle Black Thread

I already have a thread protaining to ideas on the stories I am going to write with my three superhero characters.

I wanted to create a separate thread dedicated to my Avengers/MCU original character Chantelle Black, aka Spellbinder, since I have a lot a great ideas and plans for her. :ilv:

This thread is also about most of my ideas for the MCU and my future plans for Chantelle. :yay:

Chantelle Black is a character that fits into the MCU world in terms of being a light hearted/positive character, who is optimistic and hopeful about changing the world. :oldrazz:

The creation of Chantelle came from my love of magical superhero characters, as I wanted to make her different, since she will be well versed in modern magic. :gngl:

Link to the Spellbinder Stories:

Character Profile:

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