vendredi 3 avril 2015

Should Reviewers Watch Movies Multiple Times Before Reviewing

Im not against critics. I don't want it to be a "screw the critics what do they know blah blah blah" thread.

Anyway I was just thinking: have you ever watched a movie...or even eaten a food, listened to a song and you disliked it the first time but then revisit again later and you like it?

The first movies that come to mind for me are Hitch and The Watch. Hated them the first time, but the 2nd time I loved Hitch and it's my favorite romantic comedy and The Watch isn't awful to me like it was the first viewing.

Or even the opposite have you really liked a movie the first time, only to like it less in subsequent viewings. That happened to me with First Class, Days of Future Past, and Avengers

And even in addition to that, there are some movies that are hard to decipher in one viewing.

To my knowledge most critics only watch a movie one time before giving a review (unless maybe they see it first at a festival and even then they might just repost their festival review)

Do you think that's fair/right?

TL;DR: Should critics(or even casual viewers) watch a movie a couple times before giving a review?

I think everyone should at least give a movie 2 tries. But then again sometimes it's glaringly obvious that you aren't gonna like it on one viewing. I mean it wont take me 2 viewing to know I wont like Grown Ups...

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