mercredi 8 avril 2015

Movies that show the ending in the first scene?

I hate it when a movie shows the ending of the movie in the first scene in a movie.

I can think of 3 movies off hand that would of been better if you didn't know what was coming.


1) Blow: The start of the movie shows you Depps character doing one last job and during the job he gets betrayed and busted. If they didn't show this scene you would wonder at the end when he made a promise to his daughter that he'd do one more job and then leave with her if he would actually be able to pull it off.

2) Casino: We see Roberts character enter a car and it explodes. This one i'll give a somewhat pass because they tricked you into thinking he was going to die in the explosion, but he lived.

3) Carlitos Way: This is my lease favorite spoil. Why show you at the start of the movie that Pacinos character was going to get shot and die??? That whole chase at the end of the movie where Pacino is trying to get away from those guys trying to get him is stripped from excitement since you know Pacino is going to die (I can't remember if that first scene showed who shot him, but even so the fact that he wont make it).

I remember showing Carlitos Way to a family member and I fast forward that first scene and then told them to start watching. At the end of the movie I told them the first scene would of shown Pacino getting shot and dying. My relative was like "WOW glad I didn't see that. Why would they show that?"

Those are some that I can think of. Any other movie that would been better if they didn't show the ending at the start of the movie?

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