mardi 21 avril 2015

A complaint

I've felt excited about this film up to a certain point. But based on the trailers and tv spots I've seen, and the photos and thing is starting to hold me back. How many times does Captain America have to take his mask off, plus in the rest of the movies he's been in? We've seen him do that so many times before, as if he's worn it for hours, bht in fact has onl worn it for no less than five minutes or even 1 minute depending on the scene.

So why does he have to do that so often? Haven't we seen enough that already? I know why the studio and filmmakers do that though, I understood why, but didn't necessarily like it, in fact, I was a bit annoyed by it. Now before some of you make a hostle comment, understand, that this is how I feel, and whether you don't like it or not doesn't mean you have to make a rude comment about it.

But now I am really getting tired of seeing Cap and Iron Man without their masks on. That's their image. We don't even have any official photos of them wearing their masks.

Cap is seen stopping/dragging a car to prevent it from falling off a bridge without his mask. It looks by the end of the final battle and which you can see, that Cap once again has his mask off.

What I am simply annoyed by is what is the excuse of these excessive, extensive scenes where they need to have the characters masks off? It's like why bother having a mask at all? Every silly excuse I see to have the characters take their mask off for I don't know, the sake of the female audience, or the actors themselves, RDJ and Evans. Either way, I am tired of it.

I'm not saying that I hate it when they don't wear their masks, or that I dn't like it when they take it off, it's just they barely wear them. It feels like well, the studio doesn't like their masks or think it's silly.

It's just in most scenes in every movie Cap has been in, he takes off his mask for no particular reason at all, it's not like he is exhuasted from battle at all. He lost his mask from battle once, that was an excuse to see more of Chris Evans' face. This is what I am tired of and the studios fear that this film won't be successful if they don't...and...but how will they know Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr are in the movie is they can't see their faces under the mask in the poster?

First we got that EW cover, and every promotional poster or image I've seen since has them in suits but without their masks constantly.

Or is it because of RDJ or at least Chris Evans, that they aren't interested in doing these films unless they get as much screen time for their face as possible.

Because now I'm losing my interest.

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