vendredi 22 août 2014

Where to start with DC comics?

My fondness for DC started back in the early 90's when I was roughly 8 years old, Batman TAS was by far my favourite show, I still to this day have a ton of figures from that show, I was hooked on all things Batman. Spider-Man and X-Men were also on air around this time, I wasn't as keen on them as Batman but I liked them none the less.

I obviously wanted to learn more about my favourite characters, but at that time in the UK, it was much easier to get a Spider-Man/ X-Men comic than a Batman one, or any DC comic for that matter, don't get me wrong, obviously they were in comic shops, but the 8 year old me didn't have access to that, he had access to the local newsagents, and they stocked The Astonishing Spider-Man and Essential X-Men only, these are just reprints where we get like 3 issues in one but they were a few years behind the US. Naturally my love for Marvel grew and still to this day it's all I read, amongst Image titles and random others, I've grown to have quite a knowledge of the Marvel Universe over my 20 years of reading comics, and I want the same with DC.

I've tried a few times but just couldn't get hooked and I felt a bit bogged down by references, clones, new characters using existing superhero names, muti verses e.t.c. and then this whole new 52 stuff! I LOVED Hush, Batman year one and Teen Titans year one, thought they were great, but others I tried like Superman Earth One, All star Batman and Identity Crisis I didn't really like at all. I've had The Return of Superman graphic novel for about 14 years and still haven't read through it all even though I tried numerous times.

I'm asking for DC fans out there to guide me to not only the best stories, but essential stories that can bring me up to speed with the DC universe, stories that you think will make me want to continue reading, it doesent have to be about the heavy hitters either, I've recently been researching Suicide Squad after watching Batman: Assault on Arkham and the Task Force X episode of JLU and that seems cool, so it could be anything, I'm just looking for new material and DC has decades worth I'm sure.


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