jeudi 28 août 2014

Photo or Personal Message

I was in a discussion with a friend about the 'value' of autographs and why it would seem more worth while to get a photo with the likes of say, Timberlake than simply his autograph on some card or poster. The talking point then turned to that of a unique and personal message and if that can hold more value than all of the above. Clearly it's a matter of personal preference but I'd be interested in reading what hype members may have to say.

So you are in a line up to meet with your favorite famous person(they mean alot to you) at a table signing or something of that sort. If given the option would you rather walk away with a:

Photo with person vs autograph with uniquely personal message?

Which one and why.

Again, you are in line at some table or premiere or in a coffee shop...

And unlike Babe Ruth, the resale value is a non factor.

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