mercredi 27 août 2014

Giant-Sized Man-Thing

He's been teased in the MCU, so how do Marvel Studios go about officially introducing him and do they work around the complications their easter eggs or just start from scratch?

Ellen Brandt is a key figure in Man-Things origin but if we take her inclusion in IM3 at face value she is an injured veteran that turned to the Extremis project out of desperation.

I think this is easy to work around, you can just turn around and say the intel on Brandt that was available was incorrect and that actually she had been working with Killian before her injury as an agent of AIM who was tasked with keeping track of Ted Sallis's progress on his SSS studies.

The actress used was fine and you could film a short including her seduction of Sallis, her betrayal of him and her being maimed by him which would lead to her volunteering to be Killian's guinea pig.

I'm more at odds with the throw away reference in Agents of SHIELD, not sure if it was clearly stated that he was in one of their detention centers or if he was just one of their monitored super-beings.

Alternatively you can just skip the Ted Sallis/Brandt thing and have him being a mystic elemental being, introducing him in a Doctor Strange film or even a one-shot of sorts.

Now that Howard the Duck is canon we have even more opportunities.

Oh and if we need to cast Sallis I'm leaning for Adrien Brody, top that.

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