vendredi 1 août 2014

"The Sinister Six" - How would it play out?

Any speculations on what the plot will be?

After "Spider-Man 2", I know Doc Ock is a favourite among Spidey fans so why not make the film work around him and Harry and Gustav Fiers, while members are being added to the S6 team?

Otto could be portrayed as the protagonist for the majority of the plot, and have there be some sort of conflict between him and Harry and Fiers throughout the film.

Just some ideas I had:


Possible themes:

“Power” & “Superiority”

An emphasis could be made on Otto being a genius, being hunted down by Mysterio, Kraven and the Vulture, under Fiers/Harry's orders, to work for them. Otto could outsmart and escape from them until the Goblin finally finds a way to bring Otto to him by kidnapping his wife and murdering her in front of Otto.

This could evolve into a conflict within the group; Kraven, Aleski and Otto being against the Goblin's actions but too afraid to confront Harry themselves because by this point in the film, he is as deranged and as lethal as the Goblin should be, having power over the group and being feared by everyone. Otto is beaten helplessly by the Goblin who leaves, making Otto's only motive for joining the Sinister Six to eventually confront the Goblin, though he is never given the chance as Harry is never present, keeping a distance between himself and Otto so that the two never get the chance to meet again in person.

Otto exhibits his intellectual superiority and enhanced physical ability as Doc Ock with his tentacle arms, testing himself with the Sinister Six for not only defeating Spider-Man (to show his superiority) but the Goblin too.

The Goblin could passively push Otto to reach his potential as Doc Ock (in a similar way to how the Joker drove Harvey to becoming Two-Face in TDK).

Otto could almost parallel Peter if the S6 do go against Spidey in TASM3, having lost the woman they love to the Goblin and having to use their intellect to defeat the S6 members instead of just engaging in fist-fights.

TASM3 could involve Otto suddenly showing up and killing Harry who had just been battling Peter, leaving the final battle to be Doc Ock vs Spider-Man (though the film could be criticised for its similarities to SM2 which a lot of people loved). Doc Ock was the original leader for the S6 in the comics after all so it would be a nice homage to it if he took over.

And then (maybe you saw this coming from the common theme I kept mentioning…) the film ends with Doc Ock having killed Spider-Man in front of the public, but Spider-Man’s body ends up going missing and that’s left is Spider-Man’s mask. A post-credits scene to the film reveals Doc Ock, lying on a bed, dead whilst Peter is seen in the shadows, raising his hands in front of his eyes as if he had just seen them for the first time, and then turning towards the camera, donning the Superior Spider-Man suit and then sudden cut to black.

Just an idea but that would be pretty crazy to have in a film.


I'm not saying that the film should be treated as an "origin" story for Doc Ock but really have moments in the film that highlight how much of a threat the members will be for Spider-Man; how deranged and lethal the Goblin is, Kraven's ability as a hunter and how much of a physical match he can be to Spider-Man, Rhino and how over-the-top and cuhraazy he can be (I didn't mind the over-the-top acting at the end of TASM2; Spidey needs one of those "smaller" villains he can make fun of and easily defeat), Mysterio's illusions and trickery and Vulture's aerial advantage with his wings.

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