mercredi 2 juillet 2014

POP Culture references in Live Action comic book TV shows or Movies!!!

Maybe it's just me, but *SPOILER ALERT*

I watched the Flash TV series Pilot online (shameful I know), but in one scene Barry was talking to Iris and I forgot what they were on about but she mentioned "twerking" and that made me cringe!!! I didn't see it coming at all an I hated it. While I know that ot;s good that these shows or movies want to get with the times, that particular scene just bothered me. Perhaps more than it should. I am over it now. SO I was wondering, what do you guys take of things like that? Do you like it that these shows or movies put in stuff that's popular in Pop Culture today? Or do you prefer they stay in the Comic Book Universe where such things aren't heard of much? Thanks!

I'm also new here and perhaps this thread doesn't belong in the BvS movie stuff! Sorry!

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