mardi 29 juillet 2014

My Run- In With Homophobia from a (Former) DC/Marvel Inker

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share this. Didn't know where else to post it, so I made a thread(Mods feel free to move it).

I just wanted to make everyone aware of this guy.

His name is Rich Perotta. He is an inker for both Marvel and DC and I was friends with him on Facebook for a while.

A little back story, a close friend of mine made a simple status which led to this guy making some homophobic ''jokes''. My friend proceeded to tell him how and why his comments were offensive, and then unfriended him.

Yesterday, he makes a not so subtle status about her. Bashing her, calling her talentless and saying she has no personality.

Of course, she has no way to stand up for herself, so I say something. I realize it isn't exactly my business, but she is a very close friend and I wasn't about to let someone say such things.

So, I posted something on his wall and needless to say, the name calling and threats didn't take long.

Again, I know it wasn't my business, but I'm sure most would stand up for their friend in this kind of situation. And I don't take lightly to such comments.

Oh, and he also proceeded to tell another friend that he was just ''joking'' about all this stuff.

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