mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Who has the rights to the Skrulls?

What the title says. Is it both Fox and Marvel or just Fox on their own?

Having just watched Guardians of the Galaxy and having seen one in Agents of Shield where you have the Kree, wouldn't it make sense that Marvel has access to the Skrulls, their long standing enemy especially with their huge history together as well as having gone toe to toe with The Avengers probably more than once?

However someone told me that it wasn't really that possible as the Skrulls were more in the Fantastic Four's area of the Marvel Universe and therefore the rights belong to Fox. However having seeing as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are now in the MCU as well as Fox, given their histories with both the Mutants and The Avengers it makes me question if this is the same with The Skrulls.


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