mardi 29 juillet 2014

What Would It Take to BEAT BvS:Dawn of Justice

As some of you know, Captain America 3 (Subtitle unknown) and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice are both scheduled for release on May 6, 2016. Since they are both big blockbuster movies that require a lot of money to recoup their budget, this will likely be a problem, moreso for DC since they have a lot riding on BvS and not as much hype, due to lack of films, and not as much for Marvel as they will be riding on AoU, and Cap 3 is not a lynchpin in the Marvel strategy. It could be considered a 'sacrifice knight to take the queen' move.

My question is, what would it take for Captain America 3 to have higher critical and commercial appeal and acclaim than a Man of Steel sequel that is also a The Dark Knight reboot and heavily features the oft-pondered duel between Batman and Superman. What would Cap 3 need to really whomp Batman v Superman, not just for you, but for the general public.

What say you?

And for kicks, Cap vs Batman fanfilm.

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

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