mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Would you be okay with Sam Wilson keeping the Captain America mantel?

*Note: I'm going to keep the Thor VS Thor with boobs discussion out of this because it seems like eventually, male Thor will be worthy again, and they can just flip flop the hammer and axe back and forth (which they could do if they were both worthy simultaneously).

The main topic of discussion here is, as it states in the title, would you be okay with Sam Wilson (a.k.a. Falcon) keeping the mantel of Captain America, even if Steve Rogers got his serum power back?

And I'm not speaking as if Steve gets his power back, asks Sam for his shield back, and Sam tells him no (which I completely doubt would happen at all, but I needed a secondary example).

I'm speaking as if Sam offers the mantel back to Steve, and Steve says, "You know what Sam?... It's your time now. The shield is yours, the stars and stripes are yours, and the safety of the American Dream is now in your winged hands. Do America proud, until you feel the time is right to pass on the legacy to whomever you see fit." (Which would leave Steve to either attempt living a normal life, or assume a new superhero mantel, like when Hank Pym gave up the Ant-Man mantel, and became Yellow Jacket.)

I was going to include a poll, but decided not to, because I want an actual discussion to take place here.

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