mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Rise of Marvels: Year One -- IC Thread


From the files of HAMMER:

Everything they've told you is a lie. I know most of you have heard it nearly your entire lives. You must be thinking how can we have been lied to for so long? It's not what you want to hear, but it's what you need to know. The government, all the governments, have been lying to us all since they lost control. Since they let the genie out of the bottle. For decades they've been in a mad dash to hide, erase, and blind people from the facts that would cause a dramatic shift in the world's power base. But I'm not going to let the shadows continue to strangle our world.

What am I talking about, you might ask? Superhumans. Mutants. Magic. All these things that HAMMER supposedly is here to protect us from and keep us all safe from. We've all been taught from day one that these were things to be feared. That they were genetic freaks that could kill us all. That they all needed to be rounded up and put in prison so the rest of us could live our lives in a safe, happy world. All of them lies.

What they don't want you to know is that it all started with my father, Captain Steve Rogers. You'd know him better as Captain America, the world's first, true superhero. When he was lost, America and the rest of the world started a genetic arms race to try and replicate what made him what he was. Sloppy science in the name of world domination became common place, mistakes were made, and our world was forever changed. They may not have created the first mutants, but this negligence spurned their growth in numbers.

To compensate, the world gave us HAMMER, and the stories that mutants were to be feared. In reality, it was just the power base trying to clean up their own mess in the quietest way possible. And so we all went along with it. A lot of us ignored it, hoping the atrocities that were whispered about really were just rumor. I was supposed to be their secret weapon in this manufactured war. They blindly thought that I'd follow them out of love for a father I never knew or through some strong national pride. But I saw right through them, and will not rest until their crimes are laid bare in front of the world.

I'm here to tell you we are not a threat. Mutants and superhumans are not your enemy. Look at the X-Men, who have saved dozens of people in the past months. Or New York's so-called Spider-man. They have sacrificed their lives for you. They are the true heroes. HAMMER will tell you differently. But this is the truth.

My name is Stephanie Carter. I am Captain America. And this is where everything changes.

-Transcribed from rogue agent Stephanie Carter's address to the nation. Unknown origin. Illegal satalite signal hijacking. Trace unsuccessful.

Age of Marvels: Year One

Game Premise

In game, the only known superhero of the past was Captain America. In the present time HAMMER is the world's foremost defense against superhuman and mutant threats. Comprised of a multinational group of corporations, private military firms, and liasons to the UN, they attempt to stamp out mutant and superhuman activity across the world. Our heroes are new to the pursuits of heroism, and at most they have been active for a few months.

To apply for a character, fill out the application in the OOC Thread. There will be a 24 hour waiting period for all applications to allow for other apps to be submitted.



1: You may choose any superhero or villain in the Marvel Universe and revise them for the new continuity. Being that this is strictly a 'Year One' continuity, the only real restraint would be that all the heroes and villains involved would be brand new to the job. The only known superhero before this time period was Steve Rogers, so keep that in mind.

2: You are allowed a maximum of two main characters. You also have free reign over the characters' supporting cast and rogues' gallery, provided that no other player is playing them. However, it is advised to keep sidekick characters and primary villains at least somewhat open as options for other players to take up.

3: You must post at least once every two weeks, preferably more, or your character will be up for grabs. Failure to post after 30 days will result in your character being removed from the roster.

4: PC's are not to be killed without permission. Nameless NPC's are fine, but PC's or important NPC's will require authorization. Don't do anything random, such as destroying the universe, either. Such behavior is frowned upon.

5: Several storylines can be going on at once, in order to interact with other players. If a player's character does not want to be involved in another's storyline, they do not have to. Likewise, please observe good etiquette and ask the other players' permission before jumping into a fight or interaction without their consent. Consultation and communication are the keys to a good PC-to-PC interaction.

6: Sidekicks like and legacy characters are technically allowed, but will be required to be permitted by the player in charge of the 'franchise' character.

7: You can travel anywhere on Earth or off-planet, provided it is within your character's means. Time-travel is forbidden, unless it is specifically required of your character choice.

8: You are your character, so act like them. Create or portray their mannerisms, powers, and ideals to how they have been established in the game. BE the character.

9: Respect the Gamemasters. If they make a request of you regarding the game, listen to them. Failure to adhere to GM, AGM, and Hype! Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game.

10: Be creative, and do not be afraid to try new and exciting things with old concepts. This is a new continuity bound only by the constraints made by other players and yourself.

11: All regular Hype rules apply. Obviously.

12: Most of all, enjoy yourself. That's why we're here.

Please see our OOC thread for how to join and the current roster.

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