vendredi 4 avril 2014

Why The Winter Soldier was Played Perfectly

I've seen one consistent complaint about the film: The Winter Soldier was just another standard Marvel villain with no build up and too little screen time and dialogue.

I'm here to say I completely disagree. In my opinion you have to look at who TWS is and you'll understand why the role worked so well for the film. TWS is/was Hydra's perfect assassin, one of their ultimate weapons. He was trained to do one thing and one thing only: get the job done. Look at what the film told us: he's had his mind wiped and altered to only follow orders for Hydra. This is why the fact that as the Winter Soldier he had very few lines, It's not like Hydra gave him the opportunity to develop social skills after messing with his mind.

And as far as having too little screen time, once again it works perfectly for who he is. As Hydra's ultimate assassin, the only time he's shown on screen is when it's related to getting his job done. Other than that there's no point to him being on screen because Hydra ever only uses him for one thing.

That's why I think TWS was used perfectly in this movie and that the writers understand the character pretty well. Plus it probably helped that Brubaker consulted on the film.

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