samedi 26 avril 2014

Is Internet fandom creating a double standart to Modern Blockbuster sequels?

It seems like it, years ago, when Indiana Jones 2 and 3 came out their reception was relativelly mixed, most of it was in magazines, the same happened with the sequels to Back to the Future. However, many kids grew up with those movies, as they grew up, opinion on these films started to change and they are all relativelly well received today. Places like Rotten Tomatoes didn't exist back in the day, so the scores there are mostly from modern or updated reviews.

The Empire Strikes Back also became much better received today, and even films that are still not considered great like Ghostbusters II have a certain following and rarelly appear in "Worst Sequels" lists.

Now let's go to modern days, the kids that watched those films are now adults, are are themselves more critical, and the films they grew up with inspire them now.

And nowadays you have new franchises, the ones i want to discuss are Matrix and Pirates of the Caribbean, you get The Matrix Reloaded and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, neither one of them was exactly hated by critics when they came out, their reception wasn't all that different from the one the Indiana Jones and Back to the Future sequels received.

The difference between then and now is internet, when you have articles on the net constantly listing both on "Worst Sequel" lists or trashing on them it's difficult for different opinions to be easily accepted. Imagine if internet was around for the critics of the 80s, i really doubt that these now classic films would have been so easily accepted, as you would have gotten the critics and adults of the time dictating what is good and what is bad.

It's become popular to talk about double standarts or critics being "wrong", but i honestly don't think they're the problem, i think that it's the general atitude in fandom. I mean, you can say "First film was great, but all the sequels sucked" enough times before it becomes "true", when you get down to it in Indiana Jones and Back to the Future, the first films of each are also usually considered the best, with the other ones being entertaining and enjoyable, not that different from Matrix and PotC, difference being that those don't have 30+ years of nostalgia, and those who grew up with those films will just get shut down when they come to the internet.

This is just something i've been thinking for a while, Matrix Reloaded and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest aren't masterpieces, but i think the fandom in the internet vastly underrates them as movies, and in my opinion, that may not be letting the more positive opinions grow.

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