"Είμαι Donna Τροία, η τελευταία Titan. Κόρη του εμού. Αποστολή μου είναι να επιστρέψουν οι Τιτάνες του Ολύμπου και στη δόξα. Χαλάζι Cronus."
I think it translates to, "I am Donna Troy, the last Titan. Daughter of Rhea. My mission is to return the Titans to Olympus and to glory. Hail Cronus." Or the translation website lied to me.
Donna Hinkle always felt a little different but never thought it was anything more than what other children felt. She was always taller than her classmates, even the boys. She was never concerned about being social, more concerned about her work and her photography and her family. She was adopted when she was younger by the Hinkles after bouncing from home to home for a while. So her feeling sort of different never seemed like much to her, just probably something every young person feels. Currently she is a 20 something college student trying to major in the Fine Art of Photography. She is sort of an over achiever. She also has a sort of crush on her teacher, Mr. Terry Long. but Then somehow (I haven't gotten the somehow details worked out yet.
Donna discovers that she is half Titan God, like a Hercules or Thor type character, who has been living among the mortals for years. Along with her knowledge of her true origins being unlocked her powers become unlocked as well. Like Wonder Woman she is strong, fast, and an excellent fighter. When her powers are activated she sort of glows from the inside and that is where the starry universe effect comes from. I had been playing around with this idea but i am not 100% sold on it, but her stone looking wrist bands, belt, boots, and neck thing, could either help her control her powers, or boost them, because she is new to using them and either too much or too little could be where her powers are at right now. She becomes Troia, and maybe tries to (brainwashed) to bring the Titans back to life and to the throne of Olympus.
This could all grow from the current stories in Wonder Woman with the Death of Zeus, Diana finding out she is his daughter. The First Born, Apollo becoming king, the Death of War, and so on. The Returning of the Titans could fit right in there along with Donna Troy, AKA Troia, AKA Donna Hinkle. Along with the prophecy about the Death of Zeus and his throne and the First Born, there could be something about the Titans returning and Rhea's secret daughter.
I think maybe at first, because of the activation of her powers and knowledge, Donna could be in a sort of trance state but eventually is freed from it and now has her powers and remains Troia and has her civilian life as Donna Hinkle.
(Idea: She could have originally been put on Themiscara with the Amazons, but when Cronus heard about this she was moved. Only not before Cronus had a sleeper program of sorts implanted into her to ensure his return.)
The idea behind all this is that DC is rebooting things and don't seem to want to have characters that are just duplicates. Wally is returning but is different in a different costume. Kid Flash is different sort of, and there are other examples. So my thinking is this could be how they could return Donna Troy, or Troia, to the comics. In one of the older stories Donna finds out she is a Titan who was sent to Earth. They want her to return to the Titans, but because her son will become a demi-gold of destruction she gives her godhood up to be mortal. My thinking is why not keep her a Demi-God. She could be like Thor in Marvel, or Hercules in Marvel. She is the last Titan, the daughter of Rhea. Her life means that the Titans could eventually return, and she is a threat to Olympus as well.
She would become her own character but still have ties to Wonder Woman's. She sees Diana as her mentor, someone to emulate and to get training and advice from.
I gave her the Universe star look she had in the comics before she died, and her armor has what I think is Titan symbols I researched. I also wanted her to have a costume that covered her from neck to toe but still looked cool. For her face I used a Greek Actress.
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