mercredi 30 avril 2014

The commercial potential of a new Hulk movie

As Captain America: The Winter Soldier starts to wind down a bit, positioning itself for a $700 M finish, we've seen that the Avengers affect is very real. Iron Man and Captain America almost doubled their previous outings' respective totals, and even Thor: The Dark World, with it's tepid critical response and proximity to major year end tent pole Catching Fire, managed to exceed the original film by almost $200 M.

All of these gains (over a combined $1 Billion between the three films) makes me wonder about the sequel potential of The Incredible Hulk franchise. Despite two low performing films, The Hulk was considered a major stand out in the Avengers, and an audience favorite.

Is that enough though? Is the general audience as wary of a third Hulk movie as Marvel is of making one? Can Marvel make a cost effective Hulk movie, with a high standard of CGI, when the $220 M budgeted Avengers only had Hulk on screen for a total of 4 minutes? Is Hulk's extreme anti-hero/ raging monster routine, which makes him compelling on one level, a commercial detriment?

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