dimanche 27 avril 2014

Why I want everything to revert

Not just Fantastic Four, or just Spider-Man, or just X-Men, but everything. I want them all to revert. A year ago, I was okay with Spider-Man and X-Men staying where they were and only wanted FF back with Marvel for Silver Surfer and other cosmic characters. I was perfectly fine with X-Men and Spider-Man existing in their own, harmless universes, and still am. But my position on whether that "harmless" part is true has evolved over the past couple months as I'm starting to see what Fox and Sony are trying to do.

In simple terms, in a worst case scenario, what Fox and Sony are doing right now could be detrimental to everything Marvel Studios has built and to the CBM genre itself. It's one thing to buckle down on a franchise a commit to releasing movies every couple years, it's another to try and stretch it completely thin while putting out mediocre products and having it effect movies MS and WB put out. Sony is trying to force villain movies out of the Spider-Man franchise, that FF reboot looks like a disaster waiting to happen, and now Fox is talking about putting out X-Men related TV shows. It's too much. I used to say that CMB/superhero fatigue was a myth, and I still believe that, but at a certain point, when there's 20 superhero shows on television and 15 superhero movies coming out a year, people will start lumping them all together. And out of those 30+ projects, there is no way that all of them will actually be good, and a couple bad missteps could hurt the entire genre.

Just look at TASM2. It's looking to be yet another lukewarmly received Spider-Man movie and is setting up to be the lowest grossing SM film so far, even after all the marketing Sony put into it. This kind of performance just gives naysayers more ammo to claim that SH films are repetitive and generic and prematurely write off other films of its kind in the future. That kind of stuff DOES eventually bleed into the mainstream, and with what Fox and Sony are trying to do right now, I really see it happening soon.

This isn't about wanting to see these character in the same universe as the MCU, it's genuinely concerning that Sony and Fox are trying to stretch these things out far beyond their natural limit to try and get a cash grab. If Marvel had the rights to all of it, they would not be stretching the properties so thin and milking them for all its worth. This whole bubble that is forming right now is really only heading in one direction in my eyes, and it's the implosion of the Spider-Man and X-Men franchises due to oversaturation. I just hope it doesn't affect the entire genre Batman and Robin style. :/

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