vendredi 4 avril 2014

SHIELD, we hardly knew ye [SPOILERS]

Spoilers ahoy, so you know, go watch Winter Soldier first...


First off, I loved the SHIELD/HYDRA twist in TWS - it paid off a huge plot point from Cap 1, and reintroduced a serious threat to the heroes, so thumbs up for that.

But does anyone else think it was a little too soon in the grand scheme of things? I mean, we've had 2, maybe 3 establishing movies regarding SHIELD (IM2, Avengers and Cap 1 potentially), and while Agents of SHIELD is giving us a glimpse of little SHIELD, we never really got to know what the agency did and did not do. With it now in shambles (presumably with a view to return), is it just me who thinks the fall of SHIELD could have done with a bigger build-up?

It reminds me a lot of Malekith in The Dark World - he's allegedly this huge threat, but he's dealt with straight away. In terms of SHIELD, they're a huge organisation but 4 hours after first seeing them, bam, down comes their HQ...

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