lundi 7 avril 2014

Things that give you pause...

Okay, so that last thread "The Less Than..." was just closed and I understand why. The title of the thread itself was semi-snarky and kind of asking for a fight.


I do think there should be one thread where people can voice or vent concerns about TASM 2 without people slamming them. The whole point of a forum like this, I assume, is to not just chest-bump each other until the film comes out. It's to discuss the film.

The original poster of that thread had, legitimate or not, concerns about the film. I'm guessing he wouldn't post on a site called "Superherohype" if he didn't have interest in the film. The interest should be all that matters to the community. As long as said interest isn't just to start a troll war or whatever you would call it.

Obviously trolls should be called out, but respectful debate is great - it's what some of us come here hoping to find - and saying that one has concerns about this, that, or the other is fair. And I don't think it's a bad idea to have a place where people with worries can congregate. The main thread tends to either slam any naysayer or run off a long run of pages on "I GOT MY TIX BRO! MIDNIGHT SCREENING!" And that's great! People should be excited about the movie. Despite some misgivings, I'm very excited about the movie. But I also have a few doubts. And I feel like if and when I've posted them in some of the main threads, they get ignored or unfairly criticized.

Maybe this thread will be immediately locked as well. But I wanted to throw out the idea as an option.

So in case it doesn't get closed I'll voice one of my concerns and we'll see what people have to say -

I may be alone but in watching that final trailer, which I loved about 96% of, I found something just the slightest, like slightest, bit off on the way the CGI Spidey looks. But I can't put my finger on it. It has weight, and it's clear, and the movements are perfect, but maybe there is a shine to it or something? Again, I can't quite place it, but has anyone else noticed this?

I should mention, I haven't seen the final trailer on a big screen, is it very different than youtube (I mean of course it is, but does the effect come off different)?

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