lundi 7 avril 2014

The Less Than Amazing Spider-Man

Hate to come across as a troll here, but I have to rant a bit.

After watching the Evian "High-Steppin' Spidey Baby" commercial, I realized that my love of Spider-Man has been reduced to a faint ember. I have been a Spidey fan since early childhood, and hold fond memories of the 60's cartoon, the Nicholas Hammond Spidey live-action shows of the 70's (best intro music... ever), and the Saturday morning "Amazing Friends" cartoon. I then enjoyed the 90's Spidey cartoon for a while, and took a day off for opening day when the first Raimi movie was released.

I think the problem started when Marvel Studios started making high-quality superhero movies that paid homage to the true essence of the character and attention to the details. Suddenly I realized that Sony has been running a naked cash grab instead of giving us the Emperor's new Spidey threads, and this realization bums me out.

Now, every time I'm subjected to another lame "Spidey-Doo Saves the Plutonium" clip, or have to watch "The Incredible Goal-Post Bending Football", or see the really lame efforts that involve lining up all of the cranes in NYC or the "Hidden Subway Car Spidey Cave", it makes me die a little more.

I am NOT looking forward to this next Spidey film, and here are my main issues:

1. The costume and webslinging look GREAT. Makes me hopeful that they FINALLY have the character right!

2. Spidey's using his trademark quips! Even better! This film might make me forget how much I hated "The Amazing Spider-Man" reboot...

And then...

3. My hopes get dashed by a clip of Parker and Gwen in a closet, talking about how cliche it is to be in a closet. They are commenting about how bad their own movie is by addressing the cliche THAT THEY ARE USING. Where's Deadpool when you need him?

4. Parker web-lines an apparently UNSPILLABLE cup of coffee and pulls it across an elevator lobby.

5. Pete skips a stone 548 times across a pond and Harry doesn't ask him to do it again, or even try?

6. Again... the Spidey Cave? Seriously?

I can't wait to read about the part of the film where all of the city electricians band together to help Spidey out by disconnecting the city power lines at specific points, all at the same time, so that Electro travels into some kind of MacGuffin Containment unit.

I would be willing to go back in time and undo the Raimi films if it meant that somehow Marvel Studios could have regained the property rights to Spidey.


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