lundi 24 mars 2014

"Place Your Bets": Mutant Death Tolls

The new trailer gives us a bit more insight into who might survive the Sentinel onslaught and who might not.

A couple of weeks ago I began to believe that Storm might die and today's trailer clip somewhat reinforces that speculation:

But the trailer also has me believing that many other premiere X-Men characters will die...perhaps more than any of us imagined or considered.

For example, these two pics have me thinking seriously tonight:

Could it be that Xavier is also gonna bite the dust (again)? Seems like this franchise has a penchant for the Professor getting his ass vaporized by fire. :csad:

It looks like something taller than him is approaching him, causing him to fear and blocking his face for protection.

Who else do you guys think may lose their life before the War is over?

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