mercredi 26 mars 2014

Lobdell or Nicieza?

I'm going through the X-Men starting with Proteus and I'm at the point where these two take over. Fan consensus seems to be that one of them was amazing and the other is horrible but it differs from fan to fan.

Considering how many times these two collaborated on crossovers, I'm surprised at this reaction. Which of these is the better writer and which what are the strengths and flaws of each.

Also, from what I can tell, people seem to hate 90s X-men and refer to it as a "dark time" due to all the crossovers but said crossovers are often among the most loved stories, the only real reason I can find for the 90s hate is Alan Davis' run whenever he was writing a story that wasn't part of a crossover.

And I'm fully convinced that nobody is as bad as Chuck Austen and I won't feel cheated as long as I avoid anything with his name on it.

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