jeudi 27 mars 2014

ARE Tiggers wonderful things? A SuperFerret Exposé

I was sitting on the train this morning on my way to work, and I had the Tigger song stuck in my head. You know it:

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

"The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one."

Read that again and think about it.

Tigger is clearly some sort of sociopath. He is narcissistic. He attacks those around him seemingly at random. And what else? He's the last of his kind.

We here at SuperHeroHype are familiar with Lasts of their Kind. Superman. The Doctor. Avatar Aang. King Kong. Knuckles the Echidna. El Blanco. Tigger.

But Tigger is happy he's the last Tigger. Hell, he's proud of it. It's a "wonderful thing" that his species is nearly extinct. At first I thought this was merely anti-conservationist, but then it dawned on me: Tigger probably killed all the others.

Who else does this sound like?

Who else is the last of his kind?

Who else is happy to be the last of his kind?

Who else is proud of it?

Who else committed genocide against their own people?

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

I rest my case.

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