jeudi 27 mars 2014

Captain America 3 = Cap's Kooky Quartet?

So I was thinking about how Cap 2 leads directly into AOU and how Cap 3 is the movie coming immediately after it (not counting Ant-Man). Cap is basically the bridge between the Avengers films and a lot of elements and things in the Avengers films will be picked up directly in Cap's next film as well continuing the Winter Soldier storyline from Cap 2. Well, going along that thought process, I thought what exactly is Cap going to be doing post-AOU with [blackout]SHIELD destroyed[/blackout] and the Avengers as the only line of defense against HYDRA? I assume Cap 3 will continue the storyline of them hunting down HYDRA, but they can't have ALL the Avengers in Cap 3...otherwise it would just be basically an Avengers movie, but at the same time they can't pass it off as SHIELD helping Cap do his work since, well, you know.

Then I remembered, all we've been hearing about AOU is that there will be a major roster shift, from not only people like Drew McWeeny but also Feige himself who repeatedly points out the shifting roster in the comics every time he talks about the movie. Drew McWeeny mentioned that the end of AOU would leave the Avengers team very different than the one we knew from the first film, almost to the point of breaking them up. So, with that in mind, what if, at the end of AOU Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, and Black Widow all end up quitting the Avengers (like in the comics) and the only members left are Cap, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye? Cap's kooky quartet from the comics. Cap 3 will then pick up from where AOU left off, and those 4 will be the team continuing the fight against HYDRA and are basically a bootleg Avengers squad for the movie?

This makes sense on a multitude of levels. First of all, it obviously addresses the issue I brought up with Cap basically being tethered to the Avengers post-Cap 2 without having to bring in the heavy hitters because they won't be on the team. Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye are all the equivalent of Black Widow; they're Avengers but they're not going to steal the spotlight or make the movie seem like Avengers in all but name. Second, one of the great things about Cap 2 is how seamlessly it connects with and affects the MCU without being drowned in it like IM2, just because of the nature of the story and Cap's character. There are obviously several characters from the first Avengers film in the movie that all fit into the plot. This can also be the case with the kooky quartet. Third, it allows for further development and exploration of the twins and Hawkeye post-AOU. They're not getting their own movies, and while they'll surely be fleshed out in AOU, there will probably still be much more to explore. Having them in Cap 3 is a great way to do that without having to wait 3 years for the next Avengers film or longer, since fighting Thanos will probably take precedent over exploring the characters again. And again, it just makes sense for them to stay with Cap since they will likely have no where else to go, similar to how he was at the end of the first Avengers film. Having Hawkeye in it just makes sense as a way to make up for the lack of an appearance in solo phase 2 films.

Now, the only downside to this is how it could affect characters introduced in Cap 2 that should have a bigger role and their stories progressed in Cap 3, like Sharon Carter, Falcon, Winter Soldier, and Crossbones. Having the twins+Hawkeye will probably chew away screen time from them, but it depends on the type of story they're crafting.

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