jeudi 27 mars 2014

End of an Internet Era: Television WithOut Pity to close

So many great recaps.

Originally started visiting when it was Mighty Big TV


It was announced today that NBCUniversal would be closing down two venerable digital properties next week: Daily Candy and Television Without Pity.

In particular, Television Without Pity — TWoP in the parlance of our times, and for brevity's sake, because if today's news has taught us anything, it's that time is fleeting and nothing lasts forever —had a huge impact on the internet landscape and in particular the way that television was covered. Beginning in the late '90s as Dawson's Wrap (making Dawson's Creek the unlikely mother of an entire movement in TV criticism) and later as Mighty Big TV, the TWoP stock in trade was the TV recap, impossibly detailed summaries of individual TV episodes of everything from ER to Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Project Runway. Written not only for detail but for humor and fan engagement, they became, for a time, the way we talked about TV on the internet.

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