jeudi 27 mars 2014

Imagine this SICK scenario with Abomination and War Machine

Avengers: Age of Ultron. The Avengers have been captured with no way out. A new small group, known as "America's Team" is sent in. Thie group consists of Blonski, and War machine. We know Blonski is deep down a decent guy and patriot who just got a bit power hungry. I wouldn't force this within this movie, but somehow have Blonski and War Machine have a meeting with Nick Fury as a secret weapon team just in case. I can see it now, AC DC song "War Machine" comes blasting over the Theatre sound system, Abomination is dropped out of a cargo plane and lands right on top of Ultron, War Machine unloads with mini guns. The rest of the team is freed. Abomination will wind up getting burned to a crisp but what a way to go out!

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