mercredi 26 mars 2014

The perfect 'schwarzenegger' vehicle

I love Arnie - as a kid growing up in the 80's and 90's he was the ultimate Action hero - a few came close, but he had that magic for me.

His movies covered aliens, hostage crisis, time travel, survival wilderness and humour.

I recently saw 'Escape plan' and enjoyed it, not so much could be said for 'The last stand' i ony lasted 30 minutes - the surrounding cast just ruined it for me.

I hear talk or Terminator and Conan roles coming up which i hope, if handled correctly, could be awesome.

It got me thinking - if it were down to me - what would i present as the next Arnold movie that is comparable to his best work?

Would it be comedy, a supporting role, an action flick or a more serious tone.

I liked his roles in the Expendables - where he is handled as an ageing 'action man' with a dry sense of humour - him trying to be funny comes off wrong and subtle humour works best.

So, i got thinking and with my own love of Arnie and conspiracy theories, i created a concept i liked.

Arnie is an ageing gym teacher - he students respect him - but he does come off a loner amongst his fellow faculty.

He is a prepper and the newly elected government he is wary of. He is huge into conspiracies - a couple of geeks in class - he over hears them one lunch time and joins in with them chatting about project blue beam, chemtrails etc

He gives 'survival' lectures to his students one day, after an earth quake scare and it reveals he was once in the army and he has seen a few things - one kid shouts out aliens and he stares and says something like - you wouldn't beleive me if i told you - obviously playing up to the kid, but with a hint of truth to it.

One day, there is a sudden black out, like an EMP, most areas in america become isolated - nothing electrical in his town work.

Typical panic sweeps the area, men wanting to be heroes with guns patrol the streets, cops try and restore order - Arnie isn't so sure and this is exactly what he was prepared for.

Back in his home, he has battery powered radios, that he manages to use and contact other 'preppers' it seems most of america has lost power with reports from washington using Marshal law for the short term - requesting citizens to stay in their homes.

Eventually every city is surround by military - road blocks and check points.

There is talk of Alien attack - weird light shows in the sky - nothing confirmed - 3 of the school kids, the geeks band together, to get help from their Teacher - they sneak to his home, he reluctantly lets them in - they see he is well prepped and has a secret bunker under his home - they chat about possible conspiracies.

Arnie along with other town residents meet the mayor and ask questions, no answers, but Arnie isn't convinved and crudely breaks into an office, taking anything he feels may have answers.

At this point, the military begin raiding homes, it isn't long before they raid his home, looking for him - they escape down to the bunker and wait it out.

Arnie has contacts - many around the states, they share knowledge - he decides his best bet is to gather intel, as when this is over, he beleives a new world government will band together to rebuild a nation that had 'alien' attacks.

His entire work into conspiracies is written in the form of a scrap book, he leaves it with the children.

He prepares to leave the town and reconnect with his fellow preppers to discover the truth. To let the outside world know.

The outside world have no idea what or why this is happening to the states. All they know is that the military has sent out signals that they are under attack, from an unknown source, but that anything that tries to leave or enter the states will get destroyed. UN troops are deployed but warships and jets are vaporized when within distance of the states.

World governments come together, but without knowing the truth, they are helpless for now.

Back in the states, there are far more 'awake' people - groups are forming, a resistance is made. Part of the army, they are not fooling for it - there is no real evident of alien disclosure - just lights.

Deep beneath a range in texas, preppers have all met - working long the rail lines, under cover, they have banded together - having prepared for years for this kind of event.

Arnie, making the journey is in regular talks. He encounters danger along the way, looters, rogue preppers convinced everyone is guilty. Along the way he picks up a single mum and child.

He eventually gets to the range and they plan to get information to the outside world.

Meanwhile, civil war breaks out - the us is being ripped apart from the inside out.

There plan is, discovering key points where the lasers are stationed, to stop one allowing route in and out of the US and to broadcast a message to the people - help is on the way.

They finally do this - but not with out a price.

Well, there you go... what other ideas do you think would be suitable for our last action hero!

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