mardi 25 mars 2014

Religion and Government

So, I recently read about the current issue happening in the UK where Sharia Law was added to UK laws. (particular in Wills and divorce, which allows the male to refuse any money or posessions if they are non-muslim or if they are muslim the male is given a larger portion of the income and posessions) The government in essense supported the inequality treatment of women.


Personally, I feel government and religion should be seperate. But we are seeing more and more here in the US and in other countries Islam slowly seeping into politics. And i'm honestly sick of it. It's bad enough that governments are supporting a religion that oppresses the opposite sex (or in other religions opposes same sex) do we really need to support a backwards belief that originated from a society that's just as backwards?

And it's not just Islam...though certainly Islam is has been having a much deeper impact politically on a global level than Christianity or some of the smaller religions.

There needs to be a complete seperation of religion and government. Oppression is never ok. No matter if it's your religion or not.

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