mercredi 5 mars 2014

Jonah Hex: Re-boot or TV show?

I think its fair to say the JH movie of 2010 was a disgrace, it was awful and as someone who has read the JH comics by Jimmy Palmiotti, the potential was wasted.

With DC turning over a new leaf do you think there is a chance for the character to come back to our screens in some form? I certainly hope, the character deserves more justice than the 2010 movie. I watched the 10 min animated short recently and that was more Jonah Hex than the entire 2010 movie.

So what would people like to see if JH gets another chance, a re-boot or a TV series? I personally would be happy with either. A re-boot done like Dredd was in 2012 (as in gritty and violent rather than set in the future ha ha) would be perfect IMO, it could really show what the character really is about and wash away the stench of the previous movie.

Or an HBO series could be great, they wouldnt need a huge budget and it could still be really violent like the comics.

Either way I hope Tom Jane gets his shot to play him this time as well.

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