mardi 4 mars 2014

A study on social media and Marvel

Hi everyone,

I'm conducting a little bit of consumer research on behalf of my dissertation for my final year at University.

It's mainly surrounding Marvel and its use of social media and digital technologies.

I think that utilising this community of comic fans is a great place to get some interesting insight in to what I am investigating and I would be super grateful if you would take a few minutes to air your opinions.

Any answers given will potentially be included in the study which will be used for educational purposes as well as being sent to Marvel themselves. Don't worry if you don't read comics, it's still useful to get your opinion on social media.

If you would provide the following information that'd be great, if you'd prefer to private message me the answers that'd also be fine.


Do you collect comics? -

Do you follow Marvel on any social media platforms? (name as appropriate) - e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

Do you purchase digital comics? -

Do you prefer digital comics over print? If so why, if not why? -

Have you heard of Augmented Reality? -

Have you downloaded or experienced the Marvel AR app? -

Do you like the idea of Marvel providing free extra content in their comics through AR? -

If you do use the AR app, how often do you use it? -

Do you think that Marvel is ahead of similar companies in regards to their social media presence?

Do you think other companies should follow Marvel and have a larger social media presence?

Do you think Marvel NOW!, with the inclusion of Marvel Infinite (exclusive digital comics) and Marvel AR is a good way of gaining a new audience? [/SPOILER]

If you have any questions or issues let me know, I hope this is all OK with the Mods and in the right section! Spread it around as well!

Thanks everyone!

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