jeudi 10 novembre 2016

I have to vent...

Going to preface this and say when they announced the show. I was very excited. But, after a season plus part of season 2. I have to say I am just not happy how they are writing for the show.

-My first beef is with the time travel aspect. Too many little things they do have to have a major effect on the timeline. In this past episode they display themselves and their powers in the White House. Sorry, this would cause huge reverbarations in the government looking for those with powers.

-The writing sometimes doesn't make sense. Again, in this past episode. They are on a WH tour (w/their weapons) and just take off their tour passes and walk freely through the WH. Also, when they go into banquet hall to warn about the bomb. If the President and Soviet premiere were there. The secret service would have been all over them and then they leave them alone after everyone flees the room.

-I know Ray Palmer was supposed to be Blue Beetle (Ted Kord). But, Warner blocked it. But, please make Atom...the Atom not Iron Man. Also, I was hoping we would see more of Firestorms powers besides flight and fireblasts.

-I think this show would have been better if it had been like Brave & The Bold. Where various heroes team up for an episode or two.

Don't get me wrong. I will continue to watch because I am a fan of DC heroes and love seeing the characters on tv. I just wish they would fix a few things. I may be alone in this opinion. But, I wanted to say my peace.

I have to vent...

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