samedi 26 novembre 2016

Knightmare - Batman Fan Film

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all are having a nice Thanksgiving weekend. I wanted to share a link to a sequel for a fan film I posted here a few years ago that my friends and I created.

This new film is titled KNIGHTMARE and is about the Gotham universe. Here's a brief synopsis: "On the Eve of Thanksgiving, Batman and the Gotham Police tirelessly search for a missing Nightwing while attempting to track the infamous Holiday Killer and a new adversary who calls himself The Scarecrow."

We didn't have much of a budget to work with, but I'm proud of everyone for the hard work and dedication they put into bringing this story to life. We'd certainly love for any Batman/comic fan to check it out!

Thank you for your time!

Knightmare - Batman Fan Film

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