lundi 28 novembre 2016

What would you change?

Ok so the movie has been out for a few weeks now. At this point we've all had time to vent and digest the events shown.

While this was another solid film from Marvel we all have 1 or 2 things we'd like to change to make it something more. What are yours?

For me it was the timeline. Jan 2016 to Nov 2017 they have way to much crammed in. I think they could keep the plot and just setup the movie to begin around the end of Avengers 1 say fall 2012. This would allow for the site of Avengers Tower and the new sign and a timeline like this:

Nov '12 - Nov '13 accident & recovery, Dec '13 - March '14 petition the board, look for alternatives, and find out about Kamar-Taj. April '14 find Kamar Taj. May '14 to May '17 study at Kamar Taj. Then May '17 to Nov 17 to develop before Ragnarok.

That gives him a year of recovery from surgeries, 3 months of attempts to return to work, a month of searching for Kamar-Taj, then 3 years of study before taking on Kaecilius at the end.

The only other thing I would change and this one is a pretty major departure I wouldn't have killed off The Ancient One. Of the remaining Masters we've seen none seem prepared to take her place. It also gives Dr Strange a mentor because at the end of the movie he is not at Sorcerer Supreme Level yet.

What do you guys think?

What would you change?

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