mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Is Fox killing the X-Men

I hate how Fox is been as greedy on the X-Men movies, it suck that there no longer in the Marvel comic books and other Marvel stuff like video games. Many X-Men fans don't like how Fox is hurting the series to the ground. I think Fox is still pissed at George Lucas because he sold Star Wars to Disney which also owns Marvel too. Before X-Men Star Wars was Fox top movie franchises, I think it's the reason why Fox is getting Disney back.

But since then the X-Men movies begin to suck. the Last Stand was bad, the two Wolverines movies didn't do so great, and X-Men First Class and Apocalypse weren't that good. Right now Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackson and, Patrick Stewart aren't returning because they are doing a X-Men reboot.

Well the onlygood that comes out of it are the first two X-Men movies, DOFP and Deadpool. Well Logan is coming up next year, and the 3rd and last X-Men movies but let see how they do. If all of them failed will Fox force to sell them back to Marvel, already Fanatics Four reboot is a flop, and no sequel isn't going to be made ,and Michael B Jordan is going to be the villain in Marvel the Black Panther movie which is a big hurt. I'm a big fan of the X-Men comic books for years and I don't like how Fox is hurting it. Why can't Marvel file a lawsuit against Fox because they are used there character that Marvel have the right too. I hope they will sue Fox in all. So what do you say

Is Fox killing the X-Men

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