lundi 12 septembre 2016

Overrated Past Oscar Winners- What are your picks?

I dunno if anyone's done a topic like this, but which Oscar wins from years past d you think were, in your opinion, overrated/underserved? It doesn't have to be just Best Picture wins either. For example, here's my choices.

Best Picture:

* Slumdog Millionare- We gave Best Picture and 7 other Oscars to this just because some clod called it "a feel-good film"? A movie that's about torture, murder, drug lords, prostitution, children in danger, and other equally NOT "feel-good" stuff? AND it has an overly-convoluted plot to boot? Yet Benjamin Button, Fost/Nixon and other, better movies that were nominated got snubbed. *sigh*.

* Crash (2004)- The most infamous one to date. There's a reason why it's still being debated if it's win should be retracted or not...

Best Actor/Actress:

* Cate Blanchett for Blue Jasmine- Don't get me wrong, guys. I REALLY enjoy her as an actress, but she spends most of the movie crying here! Sandra Bullock was ROBBED out of getting an Oscar for Gravity in favor of THIS? ********.
* Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln- Again, he won over Hugh Jackman? Yes, Lewis is a fantastic actor, but he ALWAYS wins every time he gets nominated! It didn't help that Lincoln was, unfortunately, a boring as hell movie for those who don't give a **** about politics! And this is coming from someone like me who LOVES historical movies/biopics! Next time, Academy, let him lose. Just this once.....

Again, these are just my opinions and I strongly express all of you who comment on this thread to give your own picks not to hold back. All I ask is you be respectful to those who disagree with your choices. Have fun!:woot:

Overrated Past Oscar Winners- What are your picks?

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