vendredi 16 septembre 2016

Movie Trailers: Are They Spoiling the Surprise?

I feel as if this has become somewhat of a hot topic lately, not just with comic book films but films in general. Are trailers showing too much nowadays? Are they spoiling the movies' best surprises? I guess its kind of complicated. On the one hand, its the marketing team's job of selling the movie to the audience and that of course entails showing some of the movie's best and most appealing aspects. For example, the buzz for Civil War went through the roof when we got the peek at Spider-man. But what if...what if Marvel had shown restraint and kept him a secret until the movie's premiere? Or Doomsday in BvS? Or Wolverine in Xmen Apocalypse, or a certain character's demise in Jason Bourne? I'[m sure you all could think of tons of other examples?

Are trailers showing too much or are they just doing their job? in this day or and age of social media, maybe its inevitable and unavoidable to hide surprises anymore? What are your thoughts?

Movie Trailers: Are They Spoiling the Surprise?

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