mardi 13 septembre 2016



Fox acquires Stan Lee’s life rights to make action-adventure movie

In a rather bizarre turn of events, The Hollywood Reporter brings word that 20th Century Fox has acquired the life rights to legendary comic book creator Stan Lee and intends to make a ’70s-set action-adventure film with Lee as the main character.

The outlet reports that Twilight, The Maze Runner, and Power Rangers producers Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey are attached to produce the project, which they’re describing as having a similar tone to Kingsman: The Secret Service and “Roger Moore James Bond” movies, which were noted for their campy nature, over-the-top scenarios, and one-liners.

Lee is no stranger to the movies himself, having made a cameo appearance in countless Marvel films ranging from X-Men and Spider-Man in the early ’00s all the way to recent films like Deadpool and Captain America: Civil War. Lee has also appeared as himself in some feature films and TV shows including Mallrats and Entourage. In some films, Lee even played characters he created such as mailman Willie Lumpkin in 2005’s Fantastic Four.

Fox has previously made a number of Stan Lee-inspired projects, having made nine X-Men films and three Fantastic Four films. There are currently no writers attached to the project and no official word on whether Lee will cameo in the film.
At first after reading the headline, I thought Fox is gonna adapt his real life-story into a movie, how he created Marvel but reading the article... an action/adventure series with a lead character named Stan Lee set in the 1970s...

I guess only time can tell.


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