vendredi 12 août 2016

How Important Is Music/ Score in a Movie For You?

Greetings. I feel that as I get older and more analytical of films, I've grown to realize, at least for me, music plays, and has played, a HUGE part in my enjoyment of a film. I don't think I've really appreciated until recently just how important a role score is in a movie. It's one of those subliminal things, like cinematography, that you really dont grow to notice until you start paying attention to it. I feel as if a good score can accentuate and already good movie or maybe even elevate a mediocre one.

What would that epic circle shot of The Avengers been like with that goosebumps enducing heroic Silvestri score? What would Wonder Woman's entrance in BvS have been like without that badass theme kicking in? What would Star Wars be without John Williams?

How important are movie scores to you? Insignificant? Can it make or break a movie for you? What are some of your favorite movie scores/ soundtracks?

How Important Is Music/ Score in a Movie For You?

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