vendredi 12 août 2016

By Comparison, DC Will Not Be Like Marvel, But It Might Be Like...

Ever since the DC Films officially started, everyone wanted it to be equal to, or shine above Marvel. While the latter was never going to be the case, the comparisons to Marvel were present for better or for worse. After three movies though, ignoring the studio interference of the last two, the critical reactions hasn't been great. Because of the Marvel comparisons that were there, alot of people have been hit hard with DC Films so far for a variety of reasons.

It has always been compared to Marvel, and only Marvel. However, are we comparing it to the wrong franchise?

Ever since last year, I had wondered what the other scenarios would be if the DCEU wasn't equal to Marvel as others had wanted it to be. I had come up with the worst case, and that was Transformers. Thank god it's not that. But given the respect for the beloved characters, and audience approval regardless of critics reviews, I think I have an answer.

The DCEU is not like the Marvel Films at all, it is like the Fast and the Furious franchise.

First of all, both series have an edgy style that fits expected summer blockbusters. Secondly, an article that listed 8 reasons why the franchise is so beloved shows that the Fast and the Furious is respected: outsiders being heroes (which are the superheroes here in the DCEU, even villains), divisive cast, characters facing moral themes while doing immoral acts, the freedom to be who and what you want, strong characters with neither gender overshadowing the other, redemption, and more. Third, and possibly one of the biggest connections the DCEU may have with this series: with the exception of the last one, and even then I think that was because of Paul Walker's death, neither film has had great critical responses. In fact, each film has been given lower 20-40% approval ratings from critics. But hey, like John Campea said about DC Films not making movies that win over critics but win over audiences, the Fast and the Furious series does the same thing.

Look, I know this is unexpected, and people will be somewhat, or overly defensive about this. But I thought this was a better comparison because, simply put: DC IS NOT GOING TO BE MARVEL. Hell, before Man of Steel was released, I said to people that DC/WB don't have to look at Marvel for large team ensemble films. They had one already, and it was called Ocean's Eleven. With this, it just shows they can work and be successful by being their own thing. And you know what, with this information, I felt happier about DC Films, an feel that in the long run, we're going to be okay.


By Comparison, DC Will Not Be Like Marvel, But It Might Be Like...

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