jeudi 25 août 2016

Why are American Sportsmen generally **** at banter?

With a few notable exceptions Ali (loved far more in Britain and visited Britain a lot when he was unpopular over Vietnam in the USA) and Chael Sonnen, excellent at Bants, that rare thing a funny American. I mean your comedians are **** also and most of the good ones are dead and judged as great on one or two videos. American comedy, what a misnomer, a bit like American Intelligence. In WWII the Germans had a saying, "When the Brits fire we duck, when we fire they duck and when the yanks fire everyone ducks themselves included because no one knows where the **** it will go". Obviously they say it in German.

I just watched the McgregorlDiaz press conferences again and I am convinced Diaz didn't get riled by Mcgregor because he is some kind of retard and didn't understand the jokes, credit to him a tough retard but a retard none-the-less. Funnier still was the Bisping after fight with my almost namesake Luke Rockhold. Simply put he could not banter if his life depended on it, he thinks insults are all the matter, No! Rockhold you have to be funny. Brits are, yanks usually, not so much!

So why aren't Americans funny? At least in the comedic sense? I'll grant you, you do have a trump card in Comedy and if he gets in the Whitehouse the joke is on you. So again, why aren't Americans in any comedic sense funny ****ers?

Why are American Sportsmen generally **** at banter?

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