samedi 22 août 2015

Time for a Captain Britain film/tv series ?

Dear Marvel fans,

Generally, I'm more of a DC fan, but there are some Marvel characters who I've always thought were terrific, and one of them was Captain Britain. He's had a very cool costume since 1980, and has been written and drawn by some of the best in the business.

Somehow he's been relegated to a supporting role in books like Excalibur (which I haven't read in quite some time) but his classic storylines ( like Alan Moore's "Jaspers Warp" or Jamie Delano's time on his book, are examples of the superhero genre at its best.
Cap himself is a bit of a buffoon, and far from perfect - kind of a clumsy version of Superman but with a very stiff upper lip, and although he's unfailingly polite he's a bit pompous and lacking in people skills.

In fact, its his flaws that made him such a likeable character. Often he'd charge in, get his ass kicked but come out on top in the end just from sheer bloody-mindedness.

As well as all the stuff I've mentioned he also comes with a rich history, a great supporting cast of characters.

Hell, he's a trend setter, he died and came back to life a decade before Superman did it - and the way in which Cap was killed -resurrected and played like a pawn in the hands of godlike beings was part of a terrific story.

Plus, Cap's stories have given us one of Marvel's scariest, unstoppable villains, the Fury.

There's a lot of potential for great stories there, with laughs, science, sorcery, a bit of horror, science, sorcery and multiverse-hopping, and even a interdimensional police force (a little like the Green Lanterns).

So, does Cap deserve his own film / tv series - could be animated or live action ?

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