lundi 24 août 2015

Statistically speaking, no way all three SW films will be good

Every franchise that has multiple sequels just get worse and worse as they go.... New writers / directors enter the franchise with their own 'creative' ideas and then a new film is put out there where they want to top the previous ones, and they always fail....

Terminator 3,4,5
Pirates 3
Spider-Man 3 and the reboot
Iron Man 3
Batman & Robin
Alien 3, 4 & AvP
Predators, AvP

Statistically speaking, we would be LUCKY to get 2 out of 3 great Star Wars Episode films. But its not likely to happen. Some filmmaker will have his own ideas that will suck, but it will go forward anyway to create 'mixed reviews' type of thing...

It would be wise if there was just ONE guy that could take charge of the entire trilogy.. As fans, we wanted JJ Abrams to be that guy with the backing of Lawrence Kasdan. But the idea of keep switching writers & directors will hurt the franchise just like Terminator franchise w/o James Cameron..

Dont get me wrong, Lucas was washed up before he made Prequels and that was def the wrong guy and all three turned out to suck, but putting a variety of ppl behind each film just seems like Disney is trying to earn back its 4 billion investment.

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