mardi 10 mars 2015

Your favorite deleted scenes?

The Incredible Hulk


The alternate opening: Banner trying to commit suicide was dark and I could see why it wasn't used, but it was such bold storytelling.

The fireplace chat where Doc Samson confesses to Banner that he had hoped he had died. Powerful stuff!

Iron Man 2


Alternate final battle with Whiplash: Much better than what we got instead.



Dr. Henry Pym being name dropped.

The scenes with Loki. I love how he came off more as a sympathetic character instead of like Scar from The Lion King in the theatrical version.

The Avengers


Captain America. Its a beautiful scene of him adjusting the modern United States. It pains me that this was not only cut from the film, but also not used for The Winter Solder either.

The Winter Soldier


Falcon: When do we begin?

Cap: We just did.


Guardians Of The Galaxy


Drax explaining his tattoos. It added to his character.

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