vendredi 27 mars 2015

Paul Johnson's TIE Fighter

April 4, 2014:

Recent works/teaser stuff/Star Wars update.


Originally Posted by Paul Michael Johnson

And as for the Star Wars animation... potentially exciting things are happening with that but I can't tell you due to NDAs. But rest assured that it's currently 7 minutes long, pretty much complete, and the world will get to see it. It's being held back because the Emperor has something special planned (Emperor meaning a certain company, maybe. I deny everything). Now stop asking me about it.

Anime-influence 'TIE Fighter' should make 'Star Wars' fans giddy


Originally Posted by Moriarty

I remember posting something about this before. At the time, it was just a trailer.

Now the film is finished, and it's safe to say that "TIE Fighter" is fantastic, one of the best fan films I've ever seen.

I can't get over just how slick this thing is, and how exciting it is to see this familiar iconography interpreted this way. There were manga versions of "Star Wars" produced for all three of the original trilogy films, and I love seing something we know so well pass through a completely different filter.

This is that sort of thing, but done in a way that is almost impossible to believe. Animation isn't cheap or easy, and doing something this finished and this technically accomplished by yourself is a tremendous accomplishment. I would not be shocked to see Paul Johnson at the helm of some major animated project in the next couple of years.

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